A Teeny Tiny Pantry Closet
Just off our kitchen (or living room, or dining room, depending on where you’re standing) we have a tiny pantry closet. It’s about 2x2 square—just big enough to hold bins for recycling and a few deep, but narrow shelves. We never intended to have a big pantry closet, though in hindsight, one that’s a little bigger would have been nice, but here we are. At least this one will keep us from amassing too many cans and cartons or assorted kitchen do-dads. It’s been sitting shelf-less since we moved in and we’ve been contemplating shelves since then, too. After declaring at least every couple of weeks that we really should get that pantry closet finished, we finally set about to doing it one day. Well, John did. I deep cleaned the house and nodded or shook my head as he brought up test shelves from the basement. Before then, though, we debated some sort of pre-made shelving system but decided something wood would be nice. We thought about making our own wood shelves that could be atta...